We started our sheep program in 2015 when a local flock of Katahdin sheep needed a new home. We happened to be in need of grazers to expand our pasture regeneration program, and so this wonderful flock–only 45 sheep (and Ben the Donkey) at the time–came to Studio Hill.

Since that time we have used Holistic Planned Grazing to help us strengthen the pastures, the ecosystem, the health of the flock, the wellness of our human team, and the economics of the enterprise.
Over the years our pastures have transitioned from struggling, chemical-dependent, near-lifeless fields to strong perennial pastures with abundant and diverse life. The vigorous growth and improved nutrition in our forage have exploded the land’s carrying capacity from roughly one sheep per acre to two…to three…and now well beyond.
Our flock, as a result, has grown from 45 fully grain-fed sheep, with just a handful of breeding ewes, to over 200 purely grass-fed sheep and over 70 breeding ewes.
Our breeding program initially focused on simply transitioning our flock from grain-dependency to grass, but–after that transition was complete in 2019–grew more refined to select for strong growth rates, good foraging, strong parasite-resistance, easy temperaments, and other desirable traits.
We are members of the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP).